
영어 면접 대본 (연봉 6천 -> 8천)

tagging 2021. 9. 14. 13:53

형들 영어면접 어렵다 해서 내꺼 대본을 복붙해서 줄게. 이젠 익숙해져서 잘 안 하는데 난 면접 대본 미리 써서 외워. 한국어든 영어든. 좋은 리허설 방법인듯. 이전 글이랑 이어지는 내용이니깐 처음 보는 형들은 아래 링크.
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중간에 면접관 질문은 내가 면접 후에 대본에 반영한 거야

참고로 이게 기본급 6,000만원에서 8,000만원으로 올렸던 면접이였고, 당시 내가 30~31살이었을거고, 면접 구성원은 나 포함 7명 정도. 최종이라 이미 몇 명은 내가 전 단계에서 만났었음. 그 이상은 비밀


(인사담당자가 나를 간략히 소개)

[10분: 인사 및 자기소개]
나: Thanks for the introduction OOO. Everyone else, nice to meet you. I'm OOO. And I am applying for the OOO role at your company.

(다음 질문 기다리지 말고 끌고가기)
If you don't mind, I would like to start today's meeting by giving you an overview of today's agenda.

Number 1. I would like to briefly tell you about who I am and what I do. And address any questions you may have about my resume. This should take us around 10 to 15 minutes.

Number 2. I have a short presentation that I would like to go over with you all. It's less than 10 slides so it should take no more than 30 minutes to go over.

Number 3. I would appreciate it if you could spare me 10 minutes so I can ask some questions too.

회사: 고고

[10분: 경력 설명]
나: So let me start with what I do today. I am a OOO at OOO. I build strategies using data and identify opportunties for growth. Before that, I worked at OOO as a OOO. I also worked at OOO as a junior OOO. I like to experiment a lot. I like looking into data. All of my accomplishments actually were made by studying data and experimenting. I would love to answer any of your questions about my resume.

회사: what's your biggest accomplishment?

(프로젝트 설명 방식: 문제, 해결, 결과)
나: My biggest accomplishment would be raising 10 times the revenue of a marketing program at OOO.

At OOO, I studied the process of how the OOO was selected for the marketing program. The main problem was that there was no way of knowing whether OOO was effective because there was no data metric set for choosing the right OOO, and verifying it afterwards.

What I did was I used data regression to control variables in selecting OOO. And made an automated process so that it runs based on data without relying on people's decisions driven by intuition. And this model allowed us to learn what went right and what went wrong strictly based on data. The metric involved are: OOO, OOO, OOO, OOO, OOO.

As a result, the program made 10 times more revenue than before in 1 year from $X to $X. At the same time, dependency on human labor shrunk from 100 to nearly 0 since it is now self sufficient and only 1 or 2 people can take care of maintenance.

회사: What did you do at OOO company?

나: I did marketing strategy and execution at OOO.

My main responsibility was to do OOO events. Millions of people come to these events. My job was to strategically raise the brand's presence in these events.

What I did was first plan out why and how we should participate in these events. Once the strategy part is done, all the other stuff is project managememt. I would partner up with a large agency every quarter. Hundreds of people are involved. Communication to raise visibility of potential threats and blockers before they become issues is important.

In the end, I carried out X number of events in X years. This can be translated to raised brand exposure to roughly X million people.

Any more questions? I think we can move on to my presentation?

[30분: 제안서]
(중략: 제안서 설명하는 건 나중에 따로 다룰게)
활발한 토론 중...😍

[10분: 나의 질문]
나: Any more questions? I think we can move on?

If we can use 10 minutes, I wanted to ask you some questions.

My first question is for OOO. What's the team's goal for next year?

회사: 블라블라

A follow up question is: how would the OOO role contribute to that goal?

회사: 블라블라

My last question is: what kind of person are you looking for?

회사: 블라블라

나: Thanks that's helpful. If you have any other questions or comments I would like to address them now. Otherwise, that's all I have for you today.